Be Here Publishes New Video

The Be Here initiative is celebrating five years and we recently launched a new video promoting the Venango Area!

“This video shows us what many of us feel about our region. It’s often hard to put into words, or we don’t always recognize it in our day-to-day lives—the sense of community, hard working, creative and kind people, beauty, history, and quality of life,” said Program Manager Ashley Sheffer. “This is our message of Be Here since the very beginning. This IS such an amazing place to live, work, and play.”

The video can be found below or on the Be Here Facebook page or YouTube channel.

“Since the video was posted less than a week ago, it already has more than 42,000 views and 1,100 shares,” said Sheffer. “We’re excited about the impact this will make on our community and even further.”

To celebrate Be Here’s anniversary, we held a party at the end of January at Trails to Ales II in Franklin, with community partners and people who were featured in the video.

Since its launch in 2017, Be Here has continued to promote the region and “change the narrative” of Venango County.

Thank you to those who participated in the video!