Is Venango County Your Home?

Home is more than a place you live. Home is where you grew up, made memories, spent time with family and friends, and where your roots will always be.

When you think of home, do you think of Venango County or the surrounding areas? If so, we would love for you to take no more than 10 minutes and answer some questions about your experience living there.

We are looking for responses from both past and present community members. Examples of questions are:

  • What made you leave Venango County? or Why did you stay in Venango County?
  • If you have moved away, would you ever consider coming back to Venango County?
  • If you consider moving back, what job would you be looking for?
  • If you still live here, are you in a job in which you are not using your skills?
  • If your ideal job was available in Venango County, what would that be?

At the end of the survey, we ask for your contact information. Although this is optional, we would appreciate your information, so we are able to stay in contact with you.  We’ll share updates on exciting happenings, job opportunities, and more.

If you’d like to take the survey, please click the button below:
Take the Survey

(or copy this link:

We encourage you to share this with friends and family members who also grew up in Venango County. If you have a class reunion or alumni group we could share this with, please email Ashley.

Thank you for your participation! Click here to learn more about Be Here.


Photo by Bright Ideas Photography