Enter Our YouTube Subscribers Contest!











Hey everyone! We’re super excited to dive into video content here at Be Here Venango, and we’d love your help to make it a success! As we kick off this fun journey, we invite you to join our community by subscribing to our channel. Your support really means a lot to us, and we can’t wait to share more awesome content with you!

We’re hosting a CONTEST! Here’s how to participate:

  1. Visit our YouTube channel at bit.ly/BeHereYouTube. If you’re not logged in, please do so.
  2. Click the “subscribe” button.
  3. Watch any of our videos and leave a comment. Share your thoughts on the video, express what you love about our region, or simply post an emoji.

That’s all! Remember to subscribe AND comment on a video. Ensure your subscription settings are public.

We’ll select 5 winners when we hit 200 subscribers, who will then choose a gift certificate from an assortment of local businesses! Winners will be notified through a reply to their comment on YouTube.