
Be Here Celebrates One Year

Join us on Friday, January 26, at Karma Coffee Co to celebrate one year of the Be Here initiative (details at the bottom of this blog post) It’s hard to believe it has already been almost one year since we introduced the Be Here initiative … READ MORE

Hidden Gems in the Venango Area

Ever visited somewhere and thought “why don’t more people know about this?” Whether it’s a scenic area, unusual business, historic spot, or more, tell us what you think are the hidden gems in the Venango Area! Our goal is to create a list and continue … READ MORE

Appreciating Our Heritage While Still Moving Forward

A couple weeks ago, the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce held the 39th Annual Oil Heritage Festival in downtown Oil City, with entertainment, food, a parade, arts and crafts, children’s activities, and more. This was my fifth Oil Heritage Festival since working at the Chamber, … READ MORE

Gavin Fish, Kimberly Fish, Fred Fish, Josie Fish, Grace Fish and Jackson Fish (from left) gather in the family sitting room. Caroline Fish sits in her sister Josie's lap. Kimberly said the younger children have been tiring themselves out from running through the vast three-story house | Photo by: Richard Sayer,

California Family Picks Franklin After Extensive Search

This article was written by Marissa Dechant and published by The Derrick. & The News-Herald in July of 2017. Photo by Richard Sayer. Find the original article here.  Late last month, Gavin and Kimberly Fish and their five children packed up their belongings and left … READ MORE

Recognizing the Opportunities in the Venango Area | Be Here Initiative

Recognizing the Opportunities in the Venango Area

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with about 20 students ages 13-19 from the Venango Area at the Oil Region Youth Entrepreneur Program. These students spent two days learning about becoming entrepreneurs and hearing from local business owners and leaders. My presentation was … READ MORE

Be Here Has Officially Launched

The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce officially launched its Be Here Initiative at an event on Thursday, January 26, at Karma Coffee Co in Oil City. Be Here was created to attract and retain people and create an overall positive attitude of the area. People … READ MORE