Oil Region Astronomical Society In-person Public Night

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center 4240 Camp Coffman Rd, Cranberry, PA, United States

Public night schedule: 7:00 pm: Site opens to visitors 7:30-8:30 pm: Presentation by Mr. Dean Miskovich -- "Things you may not know about Gas Giants" 8:30-11 pm (weather permitting): Public stargazing through our 30-inch telescope About the presenter: Dean Miskovich is a member of ORAS … READ MORE


Oil Region Astronomical Society In-person Public Night: “Recent Discoveries in Archaeoastronomy”

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center 4240 Camp Coffman Rd, Cranberry, PA, United States

7:00 PM: The site opens to visitors 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Education Program: “Recent Discoveries in Archaeoastronomy” Exploring the astronomical knowledge of past cultures has been at the edges of research in both archaeology and astronomy. However, recent archaeological discoveries in several regions of … READ MORE


ORAS Virtual Public Night — “Solar Observing”

On Saturday, January 21, at 7 p.m., the Oil Region Astronomical Society (ORAS) will host a virtual presentation by one of our members, Mr. Larry McHenry. The topic will be solar observing. This will be an introduction to the various solar features visible in both … READ MORE


ORAS Virtual Public Night — “Stars”

on line

On Saturday, February 25 at 7 p.m., ORAS will host a virtual public night with a presentation on stars -- what they are, where they come from, what they do, and how they change over time. The presenter will be Mr. Dean Miskovich, president of … READ MORE


Oil Region Astronomical Society In-person Public Night: “Big Astronomy: People, Places, Discoveries”

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA 16319 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA, United States

Dr. Tim Spuck will make a presentation entitied "Big Astronomy." Big Astronomy is a $2.2M multi-faceted research and education outreach project that includes the three-time award-winning planetarium show "Big Astronomy: People, Places, Discoveries." This highlights the diverse careers and the people who enable discoveries at … READ MORE


ORAS Astronomy Beginners’ Workshop

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA 16319 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA, United States

The beginners’ workshop will introduce you to the basics of observing the sky. Topics covered will include visual observations without aids and the use of binoculars. Much of the workshop will focus on telescopes, including types of telescopes, additional equipment needs, and tips on buying … READ MORE

$10 – $40

Event Series ORAS Astronomy Public Night

ORAS Virtual Public Night

Virtual Event

Virtual Public Night – “Planetary Nebulae: From Messier to Abell—What Are They and How to Observe Them” ORAS member Larry McHenry will explain what planetary nebulae are and why they are called that. He will review some of the people associated with these objects, both … READ MORE


AstroBlast 2023

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA 16319 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA, United States

The Oil Region Astronomical Society invites you to get together with other astronomy enthusiasts at AstroBlast, our six-day star party. It will take place at the Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, near Camp Coffman. The event will feature dark sky observing from our 12-acre field, … READ MORE

$24 – $54

Event Series ORAS Astronomy Public Night

ORAS Astronomy Public Night

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA 16319 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA, United States

Weather permitting, the Oil Region Astronomical Society will be hosting a public night this Saturday. Come take a peek through some of our many telescopes; including our 30-inch dobsonian! (Pictured in this event posting.) Ask our amateur astronomy team any questions about the universe that … READ MORE


ORAS In-person Public Night — “Ancient Astronomy in Europe and West Asia”

Oil Region Astronomy Learning Center, 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA 16319 4249 Camp Coffman Rd., Cranberry, PA, United States

ORAS' next public night will be an in-person presentation by Dr. Susan Prezzano. The topic is Ancient Astronomy in Europe and West Asia. Some of the earliest evidence of human knowledge of the heavens derives from rock art and objects created by foragers living in … READ MORE
