To truly be here, we recommend getting connected as much as you can, which can be done by volunteering for a local organization or event! We suggest volunteering for causes or events that matter to you. Please see a list below of current volunteer opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunities
Fall Family Hayride – Fertigs Community Center (October 19 & 20) – Kitchen, parking, unloading wagons, or dressing up to scare people
Polk Center – Read or partake in similar activities with individuals that do not already have volunteers, friends, or many family members.
VARHA Inc. – Side-walkers for Therapeutic Riding Classes
Barrow-Civic Theatre (Off-Barrow Productions) – Production, stage management, tech, etc. Opportunities created based on interest and skills.
We are actively seeking volunteer opportunities to be listed here.
Please complete this form to be listed on our website.