
Sandycreek Color Dash

Adults will run/walk a 5K, children will run/walk a 1K or half mile, and preschool is a 100 meter dash. Bring your own white t-shirt, we supply the sunglasses. Concessions will be available. Benefits Sandycreek Elementary School

Oil Creek 5 & 13 Stacked Trail Races

The 3rd Annual Oil Creek 5 & 13 Stacked Trail Races are set for Saturday, May 18, 2024, at Drake Well Museum and Park in Titusville, PA! Join us at beautiful Drake Well Museum and Park on Saturday morning, May 18th, for these unique trail … READ MORE

Jolly July Jaunt and Dog Dash 5K

Oil City Arts Council is proud to present the 1st Annual Jolly July Jaunt and Dog Dash 5k walk/run at the Oil City marina. **run on your own OR run with your dog! Solo runners welcome!