Work Here

Looking for a job?

*Click the button above to see jobs currently available in Venango County

Some of our top 50 industries include manufacturing, health care, retail, education, food services, transportation, construction, and public administration.

There are myriad resources out there to help you find a job, but our biggest suggestion is to be connected. The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce and the community are here to help connect you to open opportunities. By getting involved and meeting others in the community, you can build your network and find jobs to help you succeed in our area. Be Connected.

Other Job Searching Resources

Venango Area Chamber Membership Directory
This is not a job board, but a directory of all Chamber members with links to their websites.

All Seasons Temporaries, Inc.

Career Concepts



PA CareerLink®

The Derrick

Tri-State Manufacturers


Are you looking to open a new business? There are resources available to help you find success!

SCORE – provides free, confidential mentoring to small businesses

Small Business Jump Start – eight-week program to help entrepreneurs start or expand their business

Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – provides entrepreneurs with the education, information and tools necessary to build successful businesses